Pilgrims: sinners, saints & prophets

At last, the much talked-about coffee table hardcover book featuring the photographs of Marty Stuart is available. Published by Nashville-based Rutledge Hill Press, the book features photographs spanning 25 years. During this time, Marty has photographed the greats of music -- not just country music -- and the book features photos of people who have genuinely touched Marty in some way -- common folk and fans alike and Marty's accompanying words add to the element of the photographs; however, these spectacular photographs stand on their own.

Marty says that Bill Monroe, Johnny Cash, George Jones and Willie Nelson are "people God made special and who dared to be different. It's a life that ain't easy but one that I understand. Success, failure, victories, defeat, heartbreak, tragedy....truckstops, honky tonks, cigarettes, whiskey, Jesus....ex-wives, kids, fiddles, guitars, fishing, fans, freeloaders on endless miles or road. All this figures in as the lifestyle of a true country singer, worthy of a three-minute song and half a page in the newspaper when we're gone."

"I first went on the road to play music when I was twelve years old, when some parts of America still had dirt floors. You could still buy gas for twenty-four cents a gallon. The circles I traveled in at first were backroads, southern bluegrass, gospel, wildcat, soul-stirring type of people. I met precious people with lots of heart who talked about Hank Williams as if he were related to them. Almost everyone in this book has a specific all in their lives. Whether it's Brother Phillip Holloway pounding the backroads of Louisiana to spread the gospel of Christ, or Brother Keith Richards pounding the universe with his guitar to spread the message of rock 'n' roll, they are pilgrims in this strange land, rattling on to the beat of their souls. This is a book about those who've dared to be different: the sinners, the saints, and the prophets." -- Marty Stuart

192 pages - Hardcover - Retail Price - $29.95

Read about the book signing at Davis Kidd Booksellers......and see the photos.
Click here to see a list of people featured in the book.
Read the review from Country Standard Time
Read what a fan has to say about the book
Patsi Bale Cox adds her views

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